
There Will Never Be Another You - cover

41 Aufrufe 12 plays
Jan Kieszkowski
  • NeedsVocals
  • NeedsSaxophone
  • NeedsKeys Piano Electric - Rhodes
  • NeedsGuitar
  • NeedsBass Electric
  • NeedsDrums Acoustic
Veröffentlicht auf 12 May 2021 / Im Jazz / Swing

Based on Medium Jazz Swing, Jam backing track
0,45 - 1,35 vocal solo
1,35 - 2,23 harmonica solo
2,23 - 3,10 sax
3,10 - 4,00 guitar solo
4,00 - 5,00 vocal solo
whole the time
piano, bass, drums

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Talent Invited Reserved
Vocals Singingmama
Keys Piano Electric - Rhodes Francesco
Bass Electric bartbass
Drums Acoustic dlsdrums
13 Bemerkungen sort Sortiere nach

Jan Kieszkowski
Jan Kieszkowski 3 Jahre vor

Hey Singingmama , now is everything ok, it was mutedbecause the collab was not used for a one year.

Jan Kieszkowski
Jan Kieszkowski 3 Jahre vor

Before I heard this collab for audience, now after republished, I don't hear the collab, it means that before,everything was ok, but after one year, it changed without ingerention. That's why I asked for help.

Jan Kieszkowski
Jan Kieszkowski 3 Jahre vor

TL James, when I listen in studio each track alone, I hear them good, but together I don't.

TL James
TL James 3 Jahre vor

my guess is that you saved with track muted .. unmuted it set the volume and republish.. but any user should be able to unmuted without republishing

TL James
TL James 3 Jahre vor

go to record and you will see it is muted.. select bt only and it will unmute.. you may also have to turn bt volume up some.. i just tried again and it works

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