Classic Rock
joeykaraoke great! (but it's easy with such a sexy backing vocalist!!!) ;) ;) ;)
Haha. I muted my track, so more of a back up dancer. This was just a quick mix and publish. Tweaks to come. I've just been really busy.
Theres a track. I tried. I hope you like. I'm sure my new neighbors loved it. : )
Cool beans. Thanks Joey. Will add it tomorrow when I get home.
Hey Bob, Sorry I hadn't gotten to this. I was a few collabs behind and I moved a few weeks ago so I'm just getting back in the swing.
No hurry, man. It's yours when you want it.
cbgb Great!! ahahahah!!!
@joeykaraoke: Whaddasay bro? Wanna come in here so I can delete my tracks?
Antoian Kordiyal
United States
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joeykaraoke great! (but it's easy with such a sexy backing vocalist!!!) ;) ;) ;)
Theres a track. I tried. I hope you like. I'm sure my new neighbors loved it. : )
Hey Bob, Sorry I hadn't gotten to this. I was a few collabs behind and I moved a few weeks ago so I'm just getting back in the swing.
cbgb Great!! ahahahah!!!
@joeykaraoke: Whaddasay bro? Wanna come in here so I can delete my tracks?