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Funny How Time Slips Away with Dave Mathews, Willie Nelson Cover

18 Views 15 plays
  • NeedsVocals
Published on 09 Jun 2024 / In Rock / Prog/Progressive

"Funny How Time Slips Away" is a song written by Willie Nelson and first recorded by country singer Billy Walker. He wrote the same week he wrote Crazy and first major release in 1962 was recorded by Elvis Presley. More recently covered by Dave Mathews who sang it as a tribute to Willie at his 90th birthday celebration. This is the Dave Mathews version.

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Vocals joeyman1
3 Comments sort Sort By

joeyman1 4 days ago

I made a slight adjustment with the sound ,let me know what you think .

Rick 4 days ago

Wow Joey, nicely done. Very much appreciate the time you put in and it sound fantastic. Very "dave mathews like" which is not easy ! Thanks again.

joeyman1 3 days ago

@Rick : Thanks Rick I've enjoyed the challenge ,look forward to anything else you do in the future

joeyman1 4 days ago

Hi Rick here a track for you to check out , i think the mike is a little hot so ill leave the mix and any volumme adjustments up to you , if youd like me to redo it id be more than happy to . cheers joey.

Rick 12 days ago

A challenge for me do to anything Dave Mathews, but gave this a shot because I also like playing Willie Nelson tunes. May bring in a few more instruments for a BH version if anyones interested.

joeyman1 7 days ago

Hi Rick , Sorry for the delay , im onto this one just as soon as i get my recording equipment back this weekend . Do you think youll add something extra to it in the way of more strings and or others ?. Either way im looking forward to seeing what we can come up with . cheers i.

Rick 7 days ago

@joeyman1: Joey, no problem. Im headed up to Washington to see my son and he may add some very light drums , but wont add much more, maybe some single note hamond in the chorus? . The guitar is as challenging as the vocals ! Dave Mathews has a unique style of playing and sometimes a little ahead of the beat and sometimes behind, so I struggled to synch with him. I figured once I had some light drums and some vocals I might redo the guitar without the backing track.

joeyman1 7 days ago

@Rick : Sounds great , im loving the song , the delay is working in my favour as im slowly getting the timing right with the vocals , as you say not easy . Have a safe trip .

joeyman1 4 days ago

@Rick : Having listened to it a few times now i think you could be right, perhaps some light drums and or even soft bass would add some depth .Your call entirely , thanks for having me and introducing me to the song , cheerss

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