Muse - Big Freeze (Completed)
261 plays
Published on 13 May 2022 / In
Rock / Prog/Progressive
Pumpin song. Let's do this one justice!
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Hey, new publishing was just rearranging of the video positions. I was bored. Shouldn't be any audio changes
Bon travail tout le monde
Bon travail tout le monde
I will mark this as completed tomorrow, so if anyone wants to make any changes, speak now or forever hold their peace >:|
(or just ask me later and I'll un-complete it)
Mixed version published! Please let me know if anything seems weird, you don't like anything, blah blah. I can probably fix it with less pain than you'd think. (Mix version is a backing track. All submitted tracks now muted, except some of the bass to give it a bit more oomph)
So I mixed it and am happy with it. Posted it to my youtube. If you guys like it, I am happy to post it here as well (I'll probably just attach the entire combined track to one of the collab videos and mute all the others)