Muse - Hysteria
56 plays
- NeedsDrums
Cover of Muse song
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Drums | tudan |
Wow! sleeping for 2years, all awesome, just needs drums !
Is Mr Tudan coming here on drums ?
Akis recorded in his DAW and I imported the video as a 2nd backing track. His track was about 10 MS off of the original BT. I tried shifting it but didn't work so I shifted the original BT and my bass track -00:00:10 and that made it line up with his vocal BT import. Anybody else that is recording we'll have to adjust -10 ms as well and it will publish just fine. Cheers
With permission from Akis, this collab has transferred ownership to 1983Electric
Akis, I recorded a bass part to the fixed backing track