QUE VENDRA by ZAZ (Completed)
156 Просмотры
15 plays
Опубликован в 26 Nov 2020 / В
Let's Zaz.
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Yet another beautiful song I've never heard of beautifully performed by my cool BandHug friends. You all sound so sweet and in the groove here. Really well done.
I ran the lyrics through 2 translations (French and Spanish) to understand what this song is about. Poignant.
My musical education continues and my horizons are broadened a little bit. Thanks you all. You rock!
Very very nice!
Nice to hear this song growing ! I propose a mix Yutaka !
Great job everyone!!
Thanks to Gary's perfect cherry on top I call this collab completed. Thank you my friends. Thank you again for Laura's help in mixing and so on.