SWEET CHILD of MINE ( Bossa Version ) ( cover ) (Completed)
43 plays
Your favorite song by the bad boys of 80s rock are here in sultry bossa nova version .
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Hi , I gave AnitaT 's vocal track , a needed ' boost ' and took advantage of the Video improvements and RE- PUBLISHED .
Excellent! :D
Well done Brian!! :-)
Nice mix Brian! :-)
dan00075 , PeteH , Nuxradio , Michmuch , AnitaT . Hi Daniel , Pete , Sante , Jean-Michel and Anita . I adjusted the volume levels again . When AnitaT added her vocal track , the track was low in volume . Adding EQ increased her volume , however as Sante noted , this appears to lower the other tracks . At some stage I may import the collab into Cakewalk and SPREAD -OUT the tracks . Spreading the Audio will leviate the saturation of the Middle Audio range and give depth ....