Tell Me Why - Neil Young Cover
29 plays
Published on 05 May 2021 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
This was that song that made me decide to pick up a guitar and start playing. It has taken me almost 50 years to learn to play it. lol! It needs another guitar and background vocals. Please join in!
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A very forthright statement, "...It has taken me almost 50 years to learn to play it."
Outstanding vibrato starting at 2:37. :-)
Just curious - what time zone are you in , Tes?
A high harmony BV track submitted and new simple mix saved for your consideration. I hope you dig. Sync seems pretty good. I've got both BV tracks set at about 35%. I ran this track through a few light effects in Audacity (noise gate, compression, reverb).
What a pretty song. There's room for more harmony vocals and another guitar or two. Tes, you've got a good strong tenor voice and you evoke some really plaintive feeling here that sounds pretty great.