
DAW saved for you. Mixed everyone and changed sync for everyone. Muted BT. Didn't mess with levels too much Vocal sync the same but I had to do a lot of shifting. See what you think.

No worries I’ll be deleting those anyway. I will have them
Muted in my saved setting volume off so you no not to use them In the final. Studio version is overdubbed. There are 2 Rythm track and the lead. I will seperate the lead from the rhythm tracks for you

It does. In your daw you can hit boost in the bass. This way I don’t have to cut my volume down to much

Yes, I did try boosting the bass yesterday. I think it needs a double boost. ;-)

Gruf. this was just a test. Im gonna draft and delete ans do again, can you boost the bast track for me from your daw?

I played around with the DAW. I see you have two tracks mixed with lead and rhythm. To balance out the mix it would be easier to have one track with all rhythm and the other with all lead. It's a shame the online DAW doesn't let you change the volume within a track.

No worries at all..this is why I keep all my Collabs "Unpublished" until all musicians invovled give the green light - Only at that point does the Collab go Public. It's a great feature.

Every night at about 2 a.m., I run through it a few times and then record a track. I'm getting close every night. I
t helps if you turn down the backing track a bit when listening.

For Playback use DAW mode. Then you can create your own DAW mix and lower to your liking or Mute the BT entirely if you want. If you're referring to the Record part, I typically choose BT only and then lower the Master volume. Both scenarios work well.

PS just checked the Backing Track, the volume level was set originally to 27%

I threw on a Fender Rhodes track for fun. I want to get the solo closer. I'll never get it note for note, but I want to at least git the high points. I'll delete this track next time.

@Billbassdude .. wow..that foam under the bridge adds such a unique's just like a Fender Bass Rhodes..solid playing playing. Dropped the volume as requested..thanks

2-22-25 Drums uploaded with graphics. Please advise if any concerns.. added ride cymbal rain drops at the end (adlib)

camillesobud Terrific! Here you go.
Sunshine in a bag... So cool. Nice work. Published.

Cool ! I'm glad the track pleases you ! :D I had fun training on this one ah ah !

Hé hé thank you ! :D Yes I Iike BH so far, I was previously on Bandhub before it collapsed down (from 2015 to 2018 I think), and after my internet connexion wasn't enough for me to use Bandhug... But I missed it and so I'm back, hope I'll have time to play other collabs with you ! ;)

Hi Diesel, I submitted a track but I'm not sure how good it is and if there is any latency etc... I'm new with the use of Bandhug. ^^" Let me know if I need to give it another try.

@joeykaraoke : Thank you very much Joey ! I'm glad to be here ! :) Cool collab with you all !

Ok Thanks for the invitation, I'll be recording in the next few days!

Hi Diesel, I'm learning the other vocals part (rap), would you want me to give it a try or have you already someone else booked on these ? Good records on the instruments and lead vocals so far !

Give it a shot camillesobud I don't have anyone lined up for the rap part. Thanks.

t Sam) - Michael Nesmith
dennisski. Drum set & Digital Drum Tracks sent. Hope you like my jamm....... It's all for Sam. Thanks.

I redid the organ. It came out horribly out of synch, but I got lucky and was able to drag it to exactly the right spot, I'm pretty sure. It's really loud but that can be easily fixed.

Okay Michael. it was still out of sync but I was able to dial it in. Sounds badass now. Killer job, I can't thank you enough.

PS, I got it down in the mix where it sounds good to me. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

Mixed and published. will need some tweaking after vocals get added by (whomever). Suggestions, questions?

@Michael Dixon: It's easy to mix down tracks when they're played as well as you played them. Awesome job Michael.

I added piano throughout. I came in with the organ, starting with the bridge; I don't know if it's needed. Both key tracks could be mixed further back. What do you think?

Yeah, I agree they need to be further back in the mix. I gonna mess with it here and see what I come up with.

@Matty Spinelli: Hey Matty when you're in DAW mode and done with the mix, just click Apply DAW and of course Save the Mix, then go to Studio Manage and Apply the DAW Settings and Publish. Sometiimes I repeat this last step twice. That should clear up the muddy sound being heard.

@Matty Spinelli: Still sounded pretty muddy so I used the built in EQ and upped the mid's and high end on the drums..sounds better. Not sure if others want to attempt this but I normally don't exceed 2db on this multi-band EQ. I start all (l to r) at 0db then up either 1 or 2 db except the first and last frequencies, they are always at 0db

@Revup67: They definitely sound clearer. i might give it a try on my tracks.

@Matty Spinelli: Thanks..might need to Apply DAW again and rePublish when satisfactory on the EQ on your end.

Michael - that's some tasty piano in there..very nice flow and feel. Add the right bounce to the track.

Just gave a listen on my cell..bass seems low. I'll take a look at the DAW settings tomorrow and re-evaluate. You and I are locked on the timing, so far so good

puntostar Ho combinato un casino e ho cancellato i commenti. Ho sentito il brano su YouTube ed è davvero splendido. Questo pezzo vi è riuscito davvero bene e la voce di @marjolein davvero mi strappa il cuore dal petto...

Really, really beautiful! by god marjolein , your singing takes me far away!!!

Guys, I marked the collab as complete. Thanks everyone! With a different mix and mastering it's on YT:
Let me know what you think about the mix on YT, if it's improved compared to the song on Bandhug

For me the BH mix sounds perfect, in the YT mix the vocals have a little too much reverb for my taste. But the rest sounds good as well :)

Ci sto lavorando fuori piattaforma per mixing e mastering. Spero di fare una buona cosa

@puntostar : parti da un ottima esecuzione….sara’ un successo….se hai bisogno che modifichi qualcosa della mia parte dimmelo…..

Great track, as usual Dan! Thanks my friend. Now all that's missing is the voice of marjolein

I couldn't stay behind, here is my track! Thanks for introducing me to this beautiful song, even with the sad lyrics. Very cool collab!

@marjolein: A wonderful interpretation, Marjolein. You did justice to this beautiful piece. Thank you.

@puntostar : Thanks for having me :) You did an awesome job with all these great tracks!

Hello ftFonz, thanks a lot, nice drums track, I published it, but when I tried to watch the published collab these messages appeared:

Download File Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found - Download File:

Hi,Frank, drumtrack send. I adjusted the volume of the bass in the DAW mode, because it was very loud. I don't know if the mix suggestion has been saved, because my account is limited.
It sounded a lot better with this mix. The drum track is not completely flawless, but I can always do it again if you want.

Hey Frank, submitted the bass line. Came in strong because of my amp I guess. Check it out and let me know. :)

BROZ - Right on ! You Rock Sir ! Thanks so much ! Consider this a temp mix...We will remix again when as more Bandhuggers joine ! Nice !

Hi Frank, sorry for the delay, had the flu last week and still recovering. Hope to recording next week.

Beatufull song, good playing... All you did a great job here... @marjolein you have an enchanting voice and you sang this song divinely!!

brianmcallister thanks for the great guitar track, Brian. Cheers!

dan00075 ..ho tentato una registrazione acustica.....dimmi che ne dici....eventualmente riprovo....grazie....

tek_drum Thanks Andrea. I like it! Let's see how it fits once we got more instruments added. Thank you!

@Daniel Ramos (@dan00075): Nuova traccia caricata.....rimango a disposizione..

thx1138 Hi Frank - Drum track is all done..hope this works for you. UTT sounds spot on but adjust if necessary. Slight DAW mix applied with drums slightly off center

Here is a bass track. I always thought this song was quite challenging

1983Electric - Challenging ? Dude you make it look easy...Kinda even look bored playing it...Awesome and thanks again ! I pubbed with your suggested level....You find the video creepy ? With those horror bunnies ?

@thx1138: truly creepy..I was scratching my head when I saw the bunnies..the moon with the ominous eyes was the real kicker. Reminds me of a band from the 70s called Thirsty Moon. One of their LP covers lines up with this nicely.

1983Electric - My Bad ! It was not 'Spice Girls'..But another band beginning with 'S'....The door is open on this one too if u wannit...But no worries...Cheers !

billbassdude Revup67 - Gentlemen ! Excellent work ! Sounds incredible...Honoured to be invited to this one...Hope I pass the audition...Lead tracks submitted....They are not copies of the original....Think improv....Hope they fit....Sync should be fine...Will leave the mixing up to you.....Thanks again...

very nice's got more of a Jefferson Airplane/Hot Tuna this better than the original! Just threw together a rough mix (in DAW mode only) placed your guitars close to the original position.

@Revup67: Thank Anthony for the nice words..Appreciate it...I am not sure I quite get your allusions...I know only a handful of JA songs and I am guessing Hot Tuna...You are not referring to a special at your local deli ? Regardless...Thanks so much...Glad to be part of this one..

My typos. I can’t text it’s terrible. Wishing nope. He is 3 years older. Poco and pure prairie league. I was heavy into progressive rock out of high school. Went to Tex mex Western swing in college. Blues of course SRV in the 80 with Chicago. But you know started all with led zep. Mountain. Jeff Beck Clapton and Jethro Tull in junior high. Miss the old days for sure

Actually. We never played at all together u til this past year or so in band hug. Bob was in bands but he wishing 3 years older. And I was in bands. We really were like two different generations. But he straightened me out in high school turned me on to poco and temporaries leave and I got my first steel guitar in 74. But then I was in school my whole like. And then in Chicago in the 80’s I got into a band for a while. We gigged only once. So band hug has been great. Cause he really got me into learning how to do this stuff

We had to drag Bob through getting things to work sometimes, but he was patient with everybody and eventually got it all figured out

so I took my vocal did some stuff in logic and added back in with the original and saved presentation. let me know what y think

I can only imagine how much music you two played together growing up :)

Ah, Jack Bruce. Just got home from a fww days away. Sounds great, mate. Very musical. Publishing now.

I added the strings track...I mixed it many times and I'm satisfied with the sound. I hope you like it too.

FelKeys .. Hi Felipe . I know your Very Busy . Just a reminder , If you get the Time //////

Hi Brian was'nt happy with my track so replaced it. My old track is in drafts just in case, but the new track is tighter imo, thanks.

Yes John , this is another Great Track . Your time is much appreciated //////

Track sent Brian hope it's ok, Fuss Dan we meet again :-) . Might I suggest pdceric for keys and if my track needs any changes just ask, thanks.

Bdajaysus Its Ok .Its Awesome . Thank you John . You are turning out alot of Tracks . Appreciate your Time //////

Thank you all for your patience. Here is my bass track. Please let me know if you want any changes. Sounding great, everyone!

Thank You Daniel . Always Great to have you on our Collab . Awesome bass as usual ///////

Hi Brian...gave this one another try, but still not getting all those chords ringing out with clarity. Little bit of a hand stretch ! Anyway, I still left the new one in Studio. Short sleeve shirt. Wish I could of done a little better...Use whatever works. Thanks

Thanks for trying Rick . We will get togeather on another song . Thank you for your time //////

Thank you, Rick! Always a pleasure! It isn't a stretch to say you are one of the most dedicated on here among a monstrous list of diehards. Count me in on anything with you involved.

@brian mcallister: Glad you thought of me. Got to learn it. I will lay a track and vid with it tomorrow.

@arejay222: Richard No Hurry . Not many Active Members interested lately \\\\\
Need Help? Questions? Email
Horns and a couple of ornaments FINALLY sent. Sorry for the delay guys. health issues are now pretty well resolved. Synced and mix, as usual you have the final say. Thanks for your patience on this one.
Much much better. Thank you.
Bass is very good, but can you bring down the volume so that it does not dominate the sound of the band?
Hi Frank the bass is done
Frank...loaded a Rhythm G in there...attempted with my acoustic which just did not sound good. I dont get a tone Im satisfied with my Fender, but gave it a shot. if it works for you , use it , but rejection does not bother me ! And great guitar work as always.....